Swim-buoy.com is the perfect solution for swimmers of all levels

Who want to enjoy open waters but still stay safe?

Our lightweight, floating safety device helps keep you visible and protected when you’re out in the great outdoors.

Our buoy offers exceptional buoyancy, allowing you to swim with confidence and peace of mind. We offer bright and colorful designs that help draw attention on the water so that you can be spotted from further distances.

Unlike other flotation devices, our product will not tear or become easily damaged, no matter how rough the waters are in your area. Plus, it's easy and quick to put on so that you don't waste any of your swimming time getting ready!

So don't let worries about safety give you an uneasy feeling when in nature—enjoy open waters with Swim-buoy.com today!

Store your personal belongings while you swim

Swim-buoy.com offers the perfect solution to all your poolside worries! Our innovative product promises to keep your phone, keys, cash, and other personal items safe while you’re in the water, with no worry of slippery hands or coming ashore with a soaking bag of belongings.

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Hold on to our swim-buoy in case you need it

Swim-buoy.com is the ultimate companion for every outdoor swimmer! Accidents can happen and safety should always be a priority, which is why our trusty swim-buoy is here to make sure you are confident when taking a dip in the great outdoors.

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Be visible for surrounding boats

Be seen and be safe with Swim-buoy.com! Our unique product is designed to provide peace of mind to swimmers, surfers, and anyone else who hits the water for a dip. Swim-buoy.com makes you highly visible in open waters.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Open water swimming is an invigorating and enriching experience that can help improve your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Not only does it offer a greater exercise challenge than a traditional pool swim, the cold temperatures can help promote blood circulation and improve alertness. Read more >

Starting open water swimming can seem scary, but it doesn't have to be! The key is making sure you're properly prepared. First, find a safe spot to swim - usually a lake or quarry with minimal boat traffic is the best choice. Read more >

Open water swimming spots around the world provide a unique and exciting opportunity to explore the vast beauty of our planet. From crystal clear waters off the Caribbean coast to far-flung exotic locations, there is something to suit any adventurer's dreams. Read more >

Open water swimming is an exhilarating way to enjoy the great outdoors. From ocean dives with friends to solitary lake romps in the evening, you can have a great time wherever there is open water! Read more >

Open water swimming can be incredibly invigorating and fun, but it is important to keep safety top of mind. First, take a safety course if possible, so you gain the skills necessary to make it back safely to shore. Read more >

Open water swimming can be a thrilling experience, but it also comes with some unique challenges that you won't find in a pool. If you're gearing up for your first open water swim, we'd like to give you some tips and tricks to help ease the transition! Read more >

Open water swimming can be an intimidating but rewarding activity. To make your swims more enjoyable and safer, it’s important to take the time to practice beforehand. Read more >

Open water swimming races can provide a thrilling experience for participants looking to challenge their endurance and test their swimming capabilities. Read more >

Open water swimming is a thrilling and adventurous way to get in the water. Swim buoys provide swimmers with flotation and visibility to those around - perfect for taking part in this exciting activity. Read more >

Swimming in open water can be an exhilarating experience! People are often drawn to the challenge of taking on open bodies of water like lakes and oceans, not only for the added sense of accomplishment that comes with completing their swims, but also for its health benefits Read more >

Open water swimming can be an incredibly rewarding and exciting experience, but it's also important to stay safe when taking a dip! Open water comes with its own unique set of risks such as cold shock and increased fatigue compared to pool swimming. Read more >

Swimming in open water can be an amazing experience, but it's important to remember that safety should come first. One way to ensure your security is by packing a Swim Buoy, which is a floating device that you can put around your waist while swimming. Read more >

Open water swimming can be an exhilarating experience, but it’s important to take safety measures to ensure that you don’t get into trouble. Read more >

Ready to give open water swimming a try? It may seem intimidating but with the right gear and preparation, you'll be ready to dive in. Read more >

Open water swimming can feel exhilarating and it's a great way to stay fit, but safety should always be your priority. Read more >

Open water swimming can be daunting, but there are some tips and tricks to make it more enjoyable. For starters, a Swim Buoy is a great tool to bring with you; this flotation device can be strapped around the swimmer’s waist and serves as a marker so that swimmers will be easier to spot by lifeguards and other boats. Read more >

Open water swimming is a different experience than taking a dip in the pool. There are unique rules to follow to ensure your safety while having the best possible time in open water. Read more >